Benin – voodoo i landsby på stylter i havet

Voodoo has been in all villages we have visited – incl this floating village or village on stilts. We sailed into the sunset, it seemed. In this village, kids sail each other to school and for chores for their parents. Parents returned from work on land in a motor boat and were picked up by family in small rowing boats at the boat / bus stop.
The voodoo figures protecting the hotel/ bar/souvenir ship we visited all looked like creatures from Start Wars or Linda & Valentine. They were chosen by the sisters who ran the place now, taking over after their mother.
There were several Christian churches, a mosque and several places to worship animism around the village. Even as its small and on stilts in the water.
The believe in strength and strong women we also met in the amazing woman statue. Celebrating these strong women warriers.
The women in arts get to be different ages and looking natural rather than made of botox.
Such amazing experiences
Such inspirering women
Such fascinating religious beliefs and traditions with voodoo and animism
Such extraordinary mother daughter travel
Thank you for this time to Togo and Benin and the voudon / voodoo festival