Benin woman entrepreneur at 80, voodoo guardians and the Black river
This country, religion and festival week keep giving. We have had so many meetings with voodoo priests, guardians and figures. Protectors of the people and their villages.
The red and white spirit estimated whether we meant well as visitors and then blessed me – after getting paid.

The white spirit and it’s followers show well the respect they have for their guardians.

The hay stacks are the guardians of the night and scares the kids. They protect the village and when the kids see them, they jump back in fear of accidentially touching them.

Join us up a trip of the black river to an 80 year old entrepreneur.

This cool woman make ‘gin’/ alkohol with a label with her picture on. She lives in the village at the end of this part of the river with her kids, grand kids and great grand kids, chickens, goats etc.
Voodoo religion protects the village.

Lærke and I had this feeling of adventure when we sailed silently down the river.