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Valley of the Moon in Bolivia

Valle de la Luna. Valley of the Moon. The astonishing cliffs are naturally made of clay. This is caused by erosion – the clay is washed into new shapes every rainy season. Dried by the sun. Shaped by the wind. The atmosphere was defined by the sweetest artist playing the pan flute and normal flute from the very tops of the cliffs. Needles to say, we liked him. We even met someone we knew! The Swedish Globetrotter Elin @andeanstories. She has traveled to 5 continents and 100 countries by the age of 30. Then she fell in love in La Paz and since then, she married, had two daughters and is running the coolest traveler’s café and a hotel in town. What’s not to like as a globetrotter. I got to speak Swedish (being Danish… this is close but not my language. However, I lived in Sweden for four years and love the country and its people).