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Interviewed by Every Passport Stamp’s founder Stefan Krasowski on travelling the world

Being interviewed on thoughts and experiences as a world traveler. With the founder of Every Passport Stamp and one of the few to visit all countries in the world, Stefan Krasowski

Stefan started by focusing on the travelers café Cafe Globen; the recent trip Nicolai Ehlers MikkelsenLærke Ehlers Mikkelsen Ella and I had to the Faroe Islands; my travels with my young adults incl. 2 trips around the world; and my carrier covering both diplomacy and working digitally as board member in companies working internationally.

It was hard not to enjoy remembering travel highlights as Fernando de Noronha, Botswana and Transmongolian Railway.

I got to recommend travels to Denmark and chose on the top of my head everything to do with vikings, the history of WW2 from Tierpietz and the bunkers on the west coast; to the castles of the Kingdom ex. Hamlet’s Kronborg.

A take away is that I lack places to find and share info on traveling with older children and traveling alone with children. I might just write on this on my blog.

I find great travel advise on visa, security etc. on Every Passport Stamp’s Travel Page, De Berejstes Klub – medlemsgruppe, Nomad Mania as well as (not mentioned) Travelers’ Century Club, Host A Sister and Single Women Who Solo Travel.

It made me proud that Stefan Krasowski concluded on the talk as having talked to a great traveller, a great business person and a great mom. Also that he remarked that my insta blog reflect that I wish to show the world to my children, rather than to show my children to the world.

Pictures of me at home at my boyfriend Jakob Linaa Jensen‘s apartment in Aarhus in front of his globetrotter travel map, complete with needles from also our recent trip around the world.

You can follow me here and on my Instagram!

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